The Ultimate "Cheat Sheet" for Designing Incline Press Macrocycles that Drive Results (90+ Pages)
Mastering exercise selection is essential for increasing strength of the primary exercises. You should never select exercises at random just for the sake of variety. Choosing the ideal assistance and remedial exercises will help increase the strength of the primary exercises.
There are many different things to consider when choosing exercises for your clients. There is no one program that is great for every client. Individualization is critical for continuous progress in the weight room. That is why, in this resource, we provide many different ways to categorize your clients' needs so that you can individualize exercise selection for your programming.
This resource attacks the three most common areas of Technical Breakdown for the Incline Press. For each Technical Breakdown, we provide a selection of the best exercises for every 3-week mesocycle of a full 12-week macrocycle.
The resource is further individualized by training levels. For each of the three technical breaking points, you can further individualize your programming based on the training age of your client. Each macrocycle will have exercise options for the novice, intermediate, or advanced trainee.
Furthermore, this resource will provide guidance on when to use specialty techniques. Choices of specialty techniques will be provided, as well as precise timing, positioning within a training session, frequency, and complexity according to the training age of the trainee.
We have designed these resources to provide a guide and insight into KILO's thought process when trying to achieve the best results possible. These resources are a "cheat sheet" to increase your proficiency and efficiency when writing programs. Furthermore, these resources will expand your mind regarding exercise selection and take your program design to the next level.